About Us

From The President

Ukrainians of Buffalo Community

The Ukrainian Congress Committee of America – Buffalo Chapter is one of the busiest in the nation.

The last year and a half have been particularly trying for all of us in the Ukrainian American community as we have stepped up support of Ukraine during this most recent assault by its eastern neighbor.

It is important that we remain organized as one voice when speaking with Congressional Representatives, the Administration, and our local leadership.

The membership page will soon be up. Join together in our efforts! We will try to keep you well-informed of local and national events with updates from our Facebook Page and a Calendar of Events.

Thank you for visiting our website!

Yuri Hreshchyshyn
UCCA Buffalo Chapter

Our Mission

The UCCA’s mission is to support cultural, educational, and humanitarian activities that emphasize the Ukrainian American heritage and provide support for Ukraine’s newly developing democracy.

The goals of the UCCA include:

  • To coordinate and consolidate development of organized Ukrainian life in the U.S. and strive to increase the importance and role of the Ukrainian American community in the civic and cultural life of the country
  • To represent the Ukrainian American community and its desire to aid  the Ukrainian nation before the governmental structures of the USA
  • To educate and disseminate information about Ukraine and the Ukrainian nation and provide all possible means of support for the consolidation of an independent and democratic Ukrainian state
  • To assist the Ukrainian nation to attain honest, equitable and equal treatment among nations as a member of the family of sovereign nations
  • To take part in providing tangible assistance to the Ukrainian nation through cooperation with private and governmental organizations
  • To assist, support and cooperate with the United States government in creating an equitable world order

In order to accomplish its goals, the UCCA shall: 

  • Loyally cooperate with government authorities in their policies for the common good
  • Obtain government contacts through consultation and correspondence with lay and religious organizations
  • Publish relevant materials including press releases journals books etc.
  • Collect and archive documentation about the participation of Ukrainians in the activities of the USA.

Ukrainian Congress Committee of America

UCCA Buffalo is a local chapter of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America (UCCA) which is a non-profit, non-partisan community-based organization that has represented the interests of Ukrainians in the United States since 1940.

UCCA maintains local all-volunteer chapters across the United States, with a national office in New York City, as well as a Washington, D.C. bureau, the Ukrainian National Information Service.

UCCA Members Affiliations and Partnerships